Friday, June 13, 2014


Happy Friday the 13th!.  The weather was beautiful and I was able to get out of work a little early so since I planned ahead and rode in [pictured below] I decided to take the long way home.  From downtown I took 394 west to 494 south, met highway 7 and headed west to 44 in Minnetrista.  I took 44 north to 110 then headed west on 110 to 92.  From there I headed north until that met up with 15 and headed east through Mound, Spring Park, and then eventually through Excelsior since I met up with 19 to 7.  There were some cool picture opportunities with some cows and some old buildings out west but I was moving along at a good clip so I didn't want break my momentum.  Wind noise was especially apparent on my ride today so at one point before I really got going I put some ear plugs in.  I use the disposable orange 3M plugs that expand once you've inserted them in your ear.  They are a great way to cut down on the wind noise but I wish that I didn't have to wear them.  I also scraped a peg for the first time today.  I was turning right off of a highway to the frontage road and it was a nice tight turn so I thought I'd test my lean angle and lets just say I found my "scraping point." =)  On the way home I noticed a very yellow C7 [sort of pictured below] by a service station parking lot so I decided to stop for a look.  Just as I was pulling up the guy walked out of the storefront, jumped in and before I could really say, "hey, I dig your car" he was out of there.  But I was able to snap a quick pic as he was backing out.  If there is one thing that I like almost as much as motorcycles its Corvettes.  I know that the newest generation has got some purists up in arms but it is hard to deny that they are really a stunning car.  I hope that someone I know ends up getting one and that I would be lucky enough to drive it.  So if anyone out there internetland can hook me up that would be great.  Weatherman is calling for scattered t-storms all weekend so this might be it for the next 2 days...until then, keep it between the ditches!


When Amanda got home the we decided that it was too nice of a night not to take a cruise.  We headed out west and spun around Excelsior and made are way up the "normal" 'round the lake route.

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